The students found the technology really enhanced their experience during the trip. Early issues of lack of 3G access were overcome due to the sheer number of wi-fi hotspots available in NYC (namely Starbucks!).
Twitter was especially popular with the students who used it as a reflective tool and to post photos. The staff members on the trip found this particularly useful as they could also share their experiences through the hashtag #gdschester and see how students were enjoying and reflecting on their experiences over the course of the fieldwork.
"Top of empire state. Cracking views. iPads working well even at this height in the dark!" (@gdschester3)
"Ellis island more positive atmosphere than expected. More hope than disapointment " (@gdschester2)
Livescribe pens were also used and were popular with the students : "Livescribe pens more than useful" (@gdschester2)
The educational values of the iPad were so apparent that two of the staff members accompanying the students also purchased iPads plus a number of students were considering purchasing an iPad in the coming months.